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24. -26. Juni 2016 @ ÖH Bundesvertretung (Taubstummengasse 7-9, 1040 Wien)

„Staats-Gewalt“ – Workshop-Wochenende zu Repression, Polizeigewalt und der Kriminalisierung von Lebensformen

Das Referat für Menschenrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik lädt zum Workshop Wochenende über Kriminalisierung von antifaschistischen Protesten, rassistische Polizeikontrollen und der Verschärfung des Suchtmittelgesetzes, zu Fluchthilfe und der Kriminalisierung von Migration und Lebensformen.

FREITAG 24. Juni
Freedom not Frontex:
Kriminalisierung von (antifaschistischen) Protesten – Einführung in das Thema Repression und gemeinsames Erarbeiten von Gegenstrategien
AntiRep-Workshop-Wochenende weiterlesen

Stop the Nazi-Demonstration on June 11th!

We want to invite you to participate in the demonstrations against the „Identitäre“ on 11.06.2016 in Vienna. We regard antifascism and antiracism as inextricably linked with one another – because of this, a demonstration of a neo-fascist movement is nothing that is in any way acceptable. The right-wing extremists „Identitäre“ stand for violence against leftists and migrants and they follow the contemptuous ideology of a „pure“ Europe. You can find further information on the counterdemonstrations here

Against the fortress Europe and its fans! Antifascism remains antiracist!

On June the 11th the neo-fascist organisation”Identitäre” wants to organize their third rally in Vienna, Austria. Under the slogan “Remigration” the neo-fascists want to march through the streets. This is an explicit threat to everyone who will not qualify for their ideas of a pure race. The demand for „Remigration“ is nothing less than a call for pogroms. This year and once again we as antifascists will disturb them by any means possible! The rally on the 11th of June is an important happening for all extreme right wing structures throughout Austria and beyond. Not only its symbolical character but also its international reachout makes it a significant event for the far right.
The past marches of the “Identitäre” have been attended by Nazis from France, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia. It is on us to block their march and to use the present discussion about the “Identitäre“ to show what they really are: violent fascists, who want the world structured after their racial and discriminating believes.
During the movements of refugees and the migration to central Europe one could witness these self-proclaimed “warriors” for a pure society in action and the results of their paranoid craze. Breaking violently through antifascist barricades and attacking antifascists after a rally are just some examples of their actions which we find ourselves confronted with.
The violent disturbance of a theatre play performed by refugees at the University of Vienna leaving several injured can be seen as a temporary peak of a series of attacks from the direct surroundings an from inside of the “Identitäre”.
The explanation for this new quality of right wing violence is not only due to a process of radicalization, but also the fact that they get the space they aim to take.
Consequently, antifascist actions are necessary to confront and destroy reactionary groups like the “Identitäre”. This is, by any means, what we need to thrive for. Therefore we call out to everyone to plan and act in decentralized and creative ways on the 11th of June, the day the Nazis want to occupy the streets. Join us too on the evening before, when we will walk on these very streets to inform the neighbourhood about the Nazis and to show that a radical left critic of the sexist, nationalist and racist ideology of the “Identitäre“ is alive and sound!
Nazis are the result of our competition, exclusion and domination based society. Nationalism is not a dead ideology hold up by a few but how world affairs are put into context and need to be interpreted on all levels. It’s not about defending the status quo against the “Identitäre” – it’s about articulating and practicing critique on the present situation of society. Everything else would be playing down the brutalities that are taking place right here; right now.
Against the fortress Europe and its fans!
Abolish capitalism! Nationalism is no alternative!