Solidaritätskarawane für offene Grenzen, gegen Krieg und Militarisierung – Geflüchtete unterstützen!

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In Solidarität mit den Menschen auf der Flucht, mit allen, die an den Grenzen ihr Recht auf Weiterreise einfordern, mit allen, die durch das europäische Grenzregime Kriminalisierung, Verfolgung und lebensgefährliche Risiken erleiden, rufen wir auf zu einer Karawane von Wien an die geschlossenen Grenzen!

Solidaritätskarawane für offene Grenzen, gegen Krieg und Militarisierung – Geflüchtete unterstützen! weiterlesen

Update from Röszke by Fluchthilfe und Du - 14.09.2015

Source: „Fluchthilfe & Du“ on Facebook (with video)

We have stayed almost a week around Röszke observing the situation around the field camp. Today we walked with a group of refugees from the Serbian side of the border to Hungary – via train tracks towards Röszke‬. Mostly families. Many kids. Being told that busses await them in a few hundred meters, no registration forced upon them, transport towards Austria organized for today. Refugees were cheering while arriving. That was how it worked all afternoon. The border was open at Röszke. (mehr …)

Justice, not charity – for a more poignant political anti-racism

Originally published in Malmö magazine

A report by Amnesty International about the initial reception camp for refugees in Traiskirchen confirms what refugees and anti-racist initiatives have been emphasising for some time: Austria’s treatment of refugees violates basic human rights. Indeed, the degrading treatment of people in Traiskirchen has worsened since the summer of 2015: Considering that there are now 1500 homeless refugee seekers, for whom there supposedly are no accodomations, the situation is significantly more alarming than in 2012, when refugees did a protest march from Traiskirchen to Vienna. There is a surge of help and practical support against these conditions. (mehr …)