On the Serbian /Croatian border, seven border crossings are currently closed (see map.) It is not clear whether refugees are able to cross the border on foot. Essentials (still water, food, protection from the sun, rain and cold) are needed on both sides of the border. Since the borders are closed to traffic, you must decide early, which side of the border you will approach. It is possible to enter Serbia and Croatia from Hungary, but expect long waiting times and strict border checks.
At the moment we know of refugees in Tovarnick and Beli Manastir on the Croatian side, who want to catch busses towards the Slovenian border. The situation is changing all the time. For current information, follow
@nofrontexvienna und @rosantifawien on Twitter or read the hashtags of those towns (#Tovarnik #BeliManastir,…) You can find updates from this morning here and look for other sources of information.